“Burst of Energy” – Creating a Chandelier

Over the Easter holidays, the chandelier project was completed and the chandelier itself fitted above the stairwell in the main abbey building.

This was the culmination of a project that was first thought up by Mrs Clark, former Head of Art at the School, before being enthusiastically supported by Mrs Wilkinson.

After receiving such positive reaction to the proposal, Mrs Phipps, working in collaboration with girls in the UIV, developed ideas for the chandelier over the course of a term. The idea they settled on was that of a ‘Burst of Energy’, after being inspired by the trees situated in the Wycombe Abbey grounds which were originally landscaped by Lancelot ‘Capability’ Brown. Mrs Phipps and the UIV focused on the seed heads from the plane trees which surround the main abbey and which produce globe-like seeds; drawing from these and other seed heads ultimately helped them to develop imagery which would form the basis of the completed chandelier’s design.