Spirit Week: A Whole School Celebration of Community

The Head Girl Team hosted Wycombe Abbey’s first School Spirit Week at the beginning of February. The main objective was to cultivate a week-long celebration encompassing all aspects of the school community, offering pupils engaging opportunities to participate in diverse activities spanning over four days.

On Monday, a school-wide Big Draw event was organised, wherein each Senior House was allocated one of our School Values or a power skill (our Flourishing theme for this term). Equipped with canvases and pens, pupils collaborated across all year groups to represent their best interpretation of the assigned word or phrase. Witnessing the collective efforts of pupils in the afternoon was lovely as they competed for the title of the best-decorated canvas. While every House showed brilliant creativity, it was Cloister that emerged as the winners of the Big Draw.

Tuesday brought forth another exciting competition open to all Houses, including Clarence and Junior. Pupils were tasked with creating a short film centred around the prompt ‘What Wycombe means to us’. Watching these was a delight and it was great to see the different approaches adopted by each House. However, it was Butler’s captivating video, presenting a range of adjectives to encapsulate the essence of Wycombe Abbey, that stole the show.

Baby photos and fun facts from over 30 staff members and departments were collected to create a tutor time quiz for Wednesday morning. The participation of hundreds of individuals made it a successful start to the day and provided an excellent opportunity for the entire school community to discover new facts about each other. Handmade cards were created in House and distributed to all departments, fostering a sense of appreciation among the community. It was truly a privilege to witness the genuine appreciation on staff faces as they received their cards.

Furthermore, a noticeboard was displayed in the Courtyard Café, inviting pupils to express their gratitude by leaving messages of thanks to all staff. This initiative extended to Thursday, which was designated as our Staff Appreciation Day. We also encouraged pupils to share a meal with their teachers to strengthen the staff-pupil bonds further, which helped cultivate a culture of mutual respect – one of our School values!

Laila, Liza and Anoushka
Head Girl Team

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