Helping to Improve Health and Hygiene in the Philippines

Over the past few months, I established a charity project in the Philippines to promote health and hygiene amongst the entire population of primary school children on the remote island of Manamoc in Palawan Province, Philippines.

Since I was very young, I have been travelling to the Philippines, and it is, without a doubt, my favourite place. Amanpulo is a small hotel and is located on Pamalican island in the Cuyo Islands. Most of the staff who work at the hotel come from the neighbouring island, Manamoc, which is very remote, underdeveloped and poor with a population of around 2600. Most of the populations’ income comes from rice and seaweed farming or fishing. A lack of basic healthcare and hygiene is a big issue for many people there and the children on the island are most affected as they are more vulnerable to the effects of the diseases that often result from this. As a result, numerous illnesses may often be seen among the children – causing pain and leading to other problems with eating, nutrition, dehydration, tooth decay and tooth loss. This also affects their attendance and performance in school.

The funds that I have raised have gone towards providing basic medical and hygiene kits for all the 457 children of Manamoc, aged 4-10 at the start of the school year. Funds were also given to support a healthcare worker and necessary materials to teach the children how to properly wash their hands, brush their teeth, and have proper basic hygiene. During my time there, I worked with a local foundation and the primary school to purchase, ship and distribute the kits to the children with the support of the Philippines Department of Education. Through the provision of my medical and dental kits, I hope to help improve the lives of the children, prevent the spread of disease and anticipate doing further projects in the future. 


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