Feedback on Remote Learning

Remote Learning Girl | Wycombe Abbey

From February, we worked on plans for remote learning, should the School site have to close. Wycombe girls are all very familiar with the MyWycombe platform, so it was decided that this should continue to be the main method for setting work and giving feedback. Over the Easter holidays, staff worked tirelessly to ensure that girls would benefit from live teaching as well during the Summer Term. We have tried to keep a balance of live and independent work so that girls are not at a computer all day long but also have time to complete work on their own, just as they would in School.

The response from girls has been fantastic – both in lessons and in the comments they submitted in the recent survey. Teachers love seeing their pupils face-to-face and the experience mimics the classroom quite closely. Of course, both teachers and pupils have had to adapt but have done so with great creativity. As we have seen how well the girls have been managing online learning, we have increased the number of live lessons since Long Leave.

UV and UVI Enrichment Programme Success

One of the great successes of the term has been the enrichment programme for UV and UVI pupils. In normal times, lessons would stop for these girls after just a couple of weeks of term, but with no exams on the horizon, girls in these two year groups have instead been able to enjoy learning for the sake of learning. Teachers have provided a rich array of materials and resources to stimulate pupils’ interest, and have encouraged girls to choose courses which they might not usually take. It has been an absolute pleasure to see their engagement in this very different approach to learning.

The Benefits of Remote Learning

Remote learning has brought several challenges, but many benefits too. We have all learned to use technology better and to see its potential. For example, the first online Parents’ Meeting was very well received and this could be the way forward for future meetings. Girls in LVI have benefitted from online sessions on university applications and pupils across all ages have learned to collaborate in new ways. The structure of the school day, familiar to all Wycombe girls, with Chapel and Big School flanking the week, has helped to retain a sense of community life and to remind us all that wherever we are in the world, we have a common sense of purpose.

Thank you to parents for all the support you have given to the School during this period.


Miss Emily Boswell
Deputy Head (Academic)